I also wanted to thank you for the words about mourning: our tears are everything and nothing. I do believe that mourning right now is absolutely what we need to be doing together to connect us, no matter what "side" we find ourselves on. Mourning melts the anger. Mourning washes our eyes clean and maybe we can see more clearly....

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Thank you, I needed this so badly today. I’m also sitting in the grief and horror of this moment of collective pain, frozen. It’s comforting to sit here with you

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Thank you. The heartbreak you express so well here is what I also feel. It's a strange consolation to know that there are others in the world, like you, who can love both "sides."

I have been speaking frequently to my friend in Tel Aviv the last few weeks. We both feel as you do - to become the true peacemakers in our own communities. Not in the saccharine sense of the word, but in the hard and courageous sense of the word - to do the right thing, especially when it is the hard thing, the thing few others are doing.

Writing about grief has been my past niche, so as you use words like collective trauma, I feel my heart leap a little in recognition and solidarity. What you have shared here is so vital to the healing our world needs. I just want you to know that I share in it.

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Oct 24, 2023Liked by Journal As Altar

Journaling as a container to hold our grief and our questions and find our way is one of the most life-affirming practices. I’ve been grappling with some of the same questions, wondering why we cannot see our common humanity in times like these.

All those questions made me go looking for some answers, which led to this piece that begged to be written and shared.


But it all started from the questions and grief that poured out on the journal page.

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Thank you so much for this, Erin. You perfectly said what I needed to hear. This resonates with my soul. This situation is horrific, and I fear for our whole world. The past few days I simply had to remind myself that I choose love. I love the video/prayer for children.

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Beautiful. Thank you.

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